My daughter, Elizabeth, joined the Prelude Choir as a seventh grader. Ms. Rehorn challenged Elizabeth with more difficult music that stretched her range. As a result, Elizabeth’s sight-reading improved as well as her tone and willingness to tackle harder pieces. She has grown musically by leaps and bounds.
— Parent TBD

About us

The Virginia Consort Prelude Choir started in the Fall of 1999 as an opportunity for children who love to sing to experience a rich repertoire of choral music with sound instruction and performance opportunities.  In 2009, the First Step Choir was added to the Youth Program as a result of numerous requests for a choir that suited younger children.  We have been delighted with the growth of these programs and continue to strive for vocal and musical excellence that enhances all of our young members musical experience.


Performance Schedule

The Prelude and First Step Choirs have two established concerts during the season.  These concerts are in December and May.  Additional performance opportunities also occur throughout the year in the Charlottesville community.  Some of these past performances have included numerous Christmas tree lightings, private gatherings, and as an ensemble at the state Music Educators conference at the Homestead.

What does a First Step rehearsal look like?

Our First Step Choir members begin the year with movement, singing games, and simple songs. We do many vocal exploration games and exercises for vocal placement and the discovery of their ‘head voice’ or singing voice. Musical games provide movement activity as the singers begin to internalize beat and phrasing of their pieces. Our rehearsals are full of singing and laughter and, when time permits, we end with a singing game!

As our singers progress, so does their repertoire. A rehearsal will start with stretches, vocal sighs and exercises, breathing techniques and pitch matching activities. Listening and knowing when to start and stop are also beginning activities we do, as well as move to a drumbeat or chant. We move into unison songs and canons during the first semester. By second semester, they are experiencing some part singing and vocal ostinati.

Our First Step singers sing a variety of musical styles. From Classical to Jazz, our singers learn about musical stylings and vocal performance. We sing in different languages and the younger singers always enjoy performing with the Prelude Choir at every concert.



What does a Prelude Choir rehearsal look like?

The Prelude Choir rehearsal begins with stretches, breathing exercises, vocal exercises and canons. We concentrate on appropriate vocal technique and use exercises that address breath support, diction, and articulation. Sight singing and notation reading are incorporated into the rehearsal as part of the group’s purpose is to develop music literacy. 

This group begins with a strong repertoire of choral music. Beautiful unison singing is part of the vocal developmentas well as music in three and four parts. Children learn songs in a variety of languages and genres. 

Each concert features selection performed by the Prelude Choir and The First Step Choir. The conclusion of the performance is special with several pieces performed by the combined choirs.

The Virginia Consort

The First Step Choir and Prelude Choir are under the umbrella of The Virginia Consort, Central Virginia’s premier choral organization. The Virginia Consort chamber ensemble performs three eclectic, excellent concerts each year. They are joined by The Virginia Consort Festival Chorus for a major works concert each spring, accompanied by full orchestra and soloists.

Other choirs for youth include The Virginia Consort Youth Chorale (a high school mixed group), The Virginia Consort Treble Chorus (middle school and high school women’s group), and the Summer Choral Academy.

Please visit us at for more information.